Friday, November 20, 2009

Making of Being

Our guest this week is Tanya Kaps. She is the founder of Shakti Media and the director of a new film: The Making of Being

We talk about the expansion of consciousness that is at the core of the film, indie film-making in the new age and what happens to you when you embark on a project like this.

The Making of Being (Promo 1) from TheMakingofBeing on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

More Episodes on the Way,

2012 The Shift Towards Galactic Consciousness Here is my introductory over view of 2012 in response to that film

Reality Activists forayed into the global shadow in episode 16. In the next episode 17 we return to the light … ah, phew. Our guest Tanya Kaps, will be talking to us about her film and the emerging shift of consciousness. I am one of those who have been filmed for what promises to be an innovative, funky and engaging new format for consciousness films with a message about our changing world, stay tuned to this space…

In the meantime here is an article for those who have some interest in my work The Enchantments of Life that acts as a bridge between conspiracy and the emerging shift of consciousness.