Friday, August 14, 2009

12 Made of Win

This week we have a very special guest: Winifred Lai.
She's a journalist, a new media entrepreneur and, dare we say it, a Reality Activist.
You can check out her blog over at


  1. Great show. Liking your guest slots.

    Interesting Win’s comments on online social networking. There are so many good forums out there which are now standing empty as the crowds seek faster and faster forms of interaction (Twitter micro blogs anyone?) hard to guess where it’s all going to end. I think it’s agreed we’re now in phase 2 of the online community phenomena – phase 1 being the pioneers in the late 90s. What will phase 3 look like? Or will we all just implode under the weight of information exchange at the point of singularity and become Omnipotent, or dead, or something.

    For the record, in my opinion, the most successful forums are the ones which also come with a podcast combination – but that could just be because I’m a podcast nerd..?

    Coincidently, Win has had a Facebook account for 40 days, and has accumulated 2000 friends, whereas I have had a Facebook account for 2000 days, and have accumulated 40 friends - half of which, I don’t even like. Amazing how that happens!

    Also, fascinating, brief, insight into Communist Party workings, the Parties future (..maybe..?), and what it means to be a member in modern China. In my total ignorance I didn’t realise how Elitist the people’s party appears to be

  2. It was also very refreshing to hear someone speak so directly about the CCP workings. Usually there's either a kind of self-censorship or even a political correctness which tries to pretend that the Party has a legitimate rational point of view.

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