Friday, February 27, 2009

The Enchantments of Life
Summary of the Nine Evolutionary Levels of Consciousness
Laurence James Lucas
Level One
Beige Earth Enchantment External Emphasis
Instinctive, survivalist, automatic reaction to the environment, animalistic, body wisdom. The human being as simply another component of the external natural world. No self-consciousness. On this level of reality, we are embedded in the intelligence of nature, which is still an unfathomable mystery for us today.

Purple Moon Enchantment Internal Emphasis
Internal environment awakens. Magical, tribal, mythic, ancestors, rituals, storytelling, inner child, innocence, Earth Goddess. Bicameral mind, possibly utilizing the right brain as an open door through which nature speaks via the agency of humanity. On this level of reality, we are embedded in the experience of Universal mystery.
Red Mars Enchantment External Emphasis
External awakening. Competing for supremacy, heroic principle, ego-driven instant gratification, life as a jungle, power through threat. Modern world: life on the streets. Sporting instincts, competition and extreme sports adventure. On this level of reality, we are striving to create a ‘self’, to separate from existence.

Blue Saturn Enchantment Internal Emphasis
Foundation of civilization, internal conscience, collective rules, social morality, structure, laws. Recorded history, which interprets and veils that which preceded it. The linear mind awakens; principles of absolute right and wrong, goodness, reward/punishment, work ethic; religion, guilt, order, authority, class, knowing one’s place, fixed gender roles, upright citizens.
Orange Uranus Enchantment External Emphasis
External marketplace, present social climate, media view, celebrity and corporate culture, status aware, opportunity and materially orientated, external appearances. Belief in supremacy of science, the winning way. Excitement, progress, cult of the individual, fun, detachment from guilt. On this level of reality, humanity has created the consensus world, seemingly separate from nature.
Green Neptune Enchantment Internal Emphasis
Internal emphasis. Feeling-based reality; intuitive, ideological, ecological; vegetarianism; alternative worldviews; seeks agreement, co-operative; spiritual mindsets; equalizing, especially racially and sexually; non-hierarchal; anti-authority, instead sensitive to peer-led ideals; searching for authenticity; experimentally spiritual.
Level Two
Yellow Pluto Enchantment External Emphasis
Interdependent; responsive, questioning; intuitive, open scientific methodology; species motivated; not attached to outcomes, spontaneous and systemic. Freedom, clarity and relevance put before status, money, ideology or approval. Appreciates diversity of opinion. The polychronic attention of younger generations,
e.g. simultaneously enjoying computers, interpersonal relating, listening to music and messaging.
Turquoise Chiron Enchantment Internal Emphasis
Awakening of a new consciousness that integrates human technological civilization with mysticism and primal magic, resulting in an ineffable global consciousness. Developed clear intuition able to perceive complex unified structures. Merging of inner and outer realities. The Earth’s Holosphere. Early expressions of this level include the concept of the Noosphere, the aesthetic union of science and religion.
Coral Pholus Enchantment External Emphasis
The questioning and re-appraisal of the whole context of reality (human beings, nature, time and space). Redefining spirituality/materialism, organic/inorganic, human/alien designations. Very early signs of this consciousness include the ‘create your reality’ meme, virtuality, game culture, genetics, robotics, nanotechnology, longevity. The reality of game-playing learner gods in an edgy mutable environment.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reality Activists Episode One - Online!

Here it is!

Due to an unexpected failure of science we lost a bit at the beginning where we introduced ourselves. So this is Laurence James Lucas and Daniel Clarke talking about reality and, y'know, stuff...

(I will do podcast links and other fun stuff soon. I just thought it was best to get this up and available asap. - Daniel)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reality Activists Episode One - Recorded!

Santa Claus as a shaman.

2012 Olympic Logo - does this suck?

Mmmm.... donuts! The Toroidal Universe.

opening dialogue initiating the Reality Activists....